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Run Lake Ann 5K, Erik Florip Memorial Run

Thu June 19, 2025 Lake Ann, MI 49650 US Directions


Run Lake Ann 5K, Erik Florip Memorial Run

$30 6:30PM EDT - 8:00PM EDT Registration ends June 19, 2025 at 6:30pm EDT


6530 First St
Lake Ann, MI US 49650


Local businesses, volunteers, community members, and county officials have joined efforts to bring a
healthy family event to the village of Lake Ann. Join us for The Run Lake Ann 5K, Erik Florip Memorial Run!

The December 31, 2023 passing of U.S. Marine Veteran Erik Florip in his valiant battle against cancer, has reminded us of all of the very positive impact that one life may have upon an entire community. In recognition of the testimony of commitment by Erik Florip to principles also embraced by the Lake Ann Community of Service to God and Country, perseverance despite insurmountable challenges, and the pursuit of life time fitness so decisively demonstrated by Erik who ran a 50 mile ultra marathon only weeks before being diagnosed with cancer, Run Lake Ann has, with the permission and wholehearted support of the Florip family, committed going forward, to name the annual 5k benefit event, The Run Lake Ann 5K, Erik Florip Memorial Run, for as many years as the event is held.

Run Lake Ann is also pleased and grateful to announce a partnership with The Benzie County Veteran’s Affairs for coordination of the disbursement of event generated proceeds to Benzie County Veteran families in need.

We have a 5K that will start in beautiful downtown Lake Ann highlighting the village, neighborhoods,
and scenic view of Lake Ann as you finish downhill on Maple Ave and return to the finish on First Street.

The fun run will begin at 6:30 pm with 5K immediately following. The fun run will be held on First Street and is approximately 2 blocks. The fun run DOEs NOT require registration, and the fee will be a suggested $5 donation payable day of race via cash/check/or Venmo. 

The event will include a pre-race event with music and photo opportunities. After the race, join
everyone at Lake Ann Brewing for live music and celebration with our community.

Registration includes a race t-shirt and treats post-race. 1st-3rd place age group winners will receive a prize and medal. Plaques will be awarded to overall male and female winners and male and female masters winners. Chip timing will be provided by Runner's Edge Race Timing. Race results will be available immediately after you cross the finish line!

Packet pickup will be held the evening before race Wednesday June 19th from 5:30 pm - 7 pm at Lakeview Realty, 6515 First St, Lake Ann, MI. Also on the day of the race from 4:30 to 6:15 pm at Burnett Park. Day of registration will be open until the start of the race and will not include a shirt. To be guaranteed a shirt, you much register by 11 am on June 13th.

*Fun run participants will be awarded a USA flag along with a sweet treat. T-shirts are not included in the fun run.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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