1st Annual For You 5k Run/Walk
Jefferson City, MO US 65109
The For You 5k Run/Walk is dedicated to families who have suffered through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, and/or child loss at any age. This event is held in loving memory of baby Walter Francis Conner and baby Augustus Marshall Conner (AKA Wally and Auggie Conner) who were born sleeping on April 17th, 2022.
All participants MUST REGISTER to receive a race bib. The $15 event registration fee will cover the cost of a race t-shirt (must register by 4/21/25 to be guaranteed a t-shirt). Children ages 10 and under are free and do not require registration, but will not receive a race t-shirt. The race will begin at the large parking lot located on W Edgewood Drive in Jefferson City and is a flat, down and back route. T-SHIRTS AND RACE BIBS CAN BE PICKED UP ON RACE DAY BETWEEN 7:30AM - 8:45AM.
Participants are encouraged to walk, jog, run, whatever gets their bodies moving in honor of all of our beloved little ones gone too soon. If you are participating for your baby or child that has passed away, you're encouraged to bring a photo, teddy bear, blanket, or whatever you have that reminds you of them; However, this is not required.
Wally & Auggie's Story
Walter Francis Conner and Augustus Marshall Conner (Wally & Auggie), identical twin brothers, were born sleeping on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022. They are deeply missed and loved more than words can say. Their passing has impacted hundreds of lives and their absence is felt every waking day. After suffering this unimaginable loss, Wally & Auggie's mom became determined to love her sons in the best way that she can in this life, by continuing to speak their names and encouraging other families of loss to love their child(ren) out loud.
Wally and Auggie, this is For You.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
1st Place medals will be given to the fastest male and fastest female runner in each age group. No 1st Place medals will be give for walking participants; however, finisher medals will be given to ALL participants that finish the race.
Male / Female Ages 11-15
Male / Female Ages 16-19
Male / Female Ages 20-29
Male / Female Ages 30-39
Male / Female Ages 40-49
Male / Female Ages 50-59
Male / Female Ages 60-69
Male / Female Ages 70+
Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.