Kansas City, MO US 64108
As we crawl out of hibernation and look toward another beautiful summer of miles, fun, exploration, accountability, races, paddle boarding, Formula 1, friendship, and everything else that comes with being a NoJo Rambler, we need a way to officially signal the start of The Summer of Runs! So let's use this first weekend after the Spring Solstice to stamp our special brand of bullshit all over this town!
The final touches on the route are coming together as we speak. Ultimately shooting for as close to a Half Marathon as we can get it. The route will be chocked full of breweries, bars, coffee shops, and photo ops.
There is zero requirement to run any or all of the segments or visit all the spots, but we will do a giveaway for everyone who makes it through every spot on foot.
This is a straight rip off of Brew 2 Boo. I'm not ashamed to admit it. If you've participated in B2B, you'll understand why we need more than one of those a year!
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