HLH Heroes Foundation's Virtual 5k Fun Run
Welcome to HLH Heroes Foundation's Fourth Annual Virtual 5k Fun Run!
Thank you for joining us for another year of fundraising for families and individuals impacted by HLH (Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis).
What is our Virtual 5k about?
The race is virtual, which means... you can participate from anywhere!!! Pick your favorite park, trail, neighborhood, beach, mountain, or wherever you like to walk, run, bike, stroll. A 5k is a distance of 3.1 miles. If you're serious about this, you can always use your phone/apps to help you track your distance! If your not so serious, dress up, enjoy some laughs and run in zig-zag patterns.
Each racer will be asked to join an individual and team fundraising page when they sign up. You'll be able to join a fundraising team with your friends and family and will be able to share your fundraising page through social media. Prizes will be awarded for top fundraising individual and team! As a newer foundation, we are counting on the funds raised from the Virtual 5K to help support families and individual who are impacted by a HLH diagnosis. HLH is a rare auto-immune disease and for many individuals and families there are almost no resources available as HLH is not covered by cancer foundations, even though it is treated very similarly. So grab your family and friends and get a team started! All to support friends/families impacted by HLH. Check out some fundraising tips at the bottom of this page!
Bonus: If you have 10+ people on your fundraising team your team name will be placed on the back of your race shirt!
Registration Fees
Early Bird: $40 per person (BEST PRICE! Includes t-shirt & swag. Guaranteed to arrive by race day) Open until 4/15
Regular: $45 per person (includes t-shirt & swag and is guaranteed to arrive by race day) Registration is 4/16-4/30
Late: $45 per person (t-shirt & swag not guaranteed) Registered on or after 5/1
Event Date & Details
The event kicks off May 16th. You can run, walk, bike, etc. anytime from May 16th to May 23rd.
Prizes awarded to:
Top Team fundraiser
Top Individual fundraiser
Individual best dressed/craziest costume/outfit
Family best dressed/craziest costume/outfit
Celebrate on Social Media
On your race day, join us on Facebook and Instagram by posting photos and videos of your race! Use #hlhheroes and join the celebration from wherever you are!
Fundraising Tips
We want to make this experience easy and successful for you. Perhaps you have never fundraised before or maybe you are nervous about asking for donations. Don’t worry. The people who care about you will respond to you because it is a cause you care about. You just need to give them the opportunity to support you.
Let’s get started!
Personalize Your Fundraising Page
Personalize your fundraising page by uploading a profile photo and sharing your personal photos and videos. Tell your potential donors why you are getting involved. Share your personal connection to HLH with them. Remember, your friends and family are interested in the cause, but it is you and your story they are primarily interested in.
Set a Goal and Deadlines
Goals lead to results – when your supporters see what you are trying to achieve, they’ll be motivated to help you reach your goal. Always make sure to provide a deadline to your donors as well. They’ll be motivated to act quickly if they must meet a deadline. Follow-up with your friends that are slower to respond. Many people may want to donate, but if they are busy they may just forget.
Use Social Media to reach more people. Always include your personal fundraising page link. Post regularly and often. Messages can quickly get missed with everyone sharing their own statuses. Include pictures and videos.
We find that those who approach their family and friends for support are often the most successful fundraisers. Your supporters will want to help you because the cause is important to you!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
After you register you will be given a custom referral code. If you refer 5 people to sign up (they have to use your referral code), then you will receive a $20 refund on your registration!
Like this page and invite your friends on Facebook.