Wrightsville Plunge
After Party Tickets
Celebrate 11 Years of Plunging for Purpose
Join us at Wrightsville Beach on January 1st and kick off your New Year by Plungin' for a Purpose!
The 11th Annual Wrightsville Plunge benefits Communities In Schools of Cape Fear, which works to help keep kids in school, and on the path to graduation. Its a great way to support our region's youth, and have a blast at the same time!
We offer two Plunge times; At registration you may choose to Plunge at noon or 12:30 p.m.! A free shuttle from Wrightsville Beach Park and your choice of a long sleeve or short sleeve tee.
1. PLUNGE LOCATION - On the north side of the Oceanic Pier (703 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach, NC)
2. AFTERPARTY 2026 - You must purchase an afterparty wristband for access to the Plunge Afterparty. Adults are $15 and youth (21 and under) are $5 in advance when you pay online during Plunge registration! The cost goes up if you choose to purchase afterparty tickets on Plunge Day. Your ticket to the 2026 Plunge Afterparty covers the cost of craft beer, pizza, music and fun!
3. PACKET PICKUP ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2025 FROM 12 PM to 4 PM - Stop by South End Surf Shop and pick up your Plunge Packet, including your Plunge Arm Band, Tickets to the After Party, and your Plunge Swag! Meet up with friends or make new friends while you browse the Plunge Merch Store!
4. PLUNGE DAY CHECK-IN (Shirt, Arm Band and Gear Pick-Up) will begin at 10 AM on New Years Day at the large, white tent at South End Surf Shop. If you checked in and picked up your armband and gear on Monday, you DO NOT need to come to the Check-In Tent.
5. PARKING - There is EXTREMELY LIMITED parking near the Plunge so you are encouraged to use the shuttle. Please refer to the Parking Instruction section of our website.
6. ARRIVE EARLY! Beat the crowds and traffic by arriving at the beach early! The weather will be perfect - bring your coffee/breakfast/beach chair and plan to spend the morning on the beach!
7. PLUNGE MERCH TENT - We will have beach towels, hats, Camelbak coffee mugs, shirts, and tanks available at the Merch Tent, located in the South End Surf Shop parking lot.
2026 Plunge Swag
Your registration includes your choice of a short or long sleeve tee. These are 100% cotton Comfort Color Tees.
After Party
Grab your tickets to the After Party during registration! Adults are $15 and youth (under 21) are $5.
Your ticket includes craft beer from Wilmington Brewing Company, Pizza, Music and a great time to kick off the New Year!
About the Cause: Communities In Schools Cape Fear
Communities In Schools (CIS) of Cape Fear is a local affiliate of the nation’s most successful dropout prevention program. CIS has trained staff members in 34 schools across Pender and New Hanover counties that provide evidence-based interventions for students struggling with academics, attendance, and behavior in the classroom. CIS also offers free afterschool care, summer camps, programs for young parents, and diversion programs aimed to keep low level youth offenders out of the juvenile justice system-- all programs that accomplish the wider goal to empower students to stay in school and achieve in life. Learn more about CIS and donate directly to the cause at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Wrightsville Beach, NC US 28480
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