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Crimestoppers 5K/12K. Same Day Reg till 9:15 a.m.

Sat September 14, 2019 Augusta, NJ 07822 US Directions


Crimestoppers 5K

9:30AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Crimestopper 12K

9:30AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


37 Plains Rd
Augusta, NJ US 07822


ONLINE CLOSES 3 PM FRIDAY 9/13, BUT SAME DAY REG IS AVAILABLE AND OPENS 7:30 A.M. - 915 A.M.  FOLLOW PKG SIGNS TO BACK CORNER OF FAIRGROUNDS.  The new 12K as recognized by USATF as a new distance in the 1/2 marathon, etc category all START AT THE BACK EXIT OF THE FAIR GROUNDS.

The Augusta State Fairgrounds will be alive and kickin with hundreds of runner/walkers supporters, police and rescue runners!  Crimestoppers will pay up to a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and indictment (as opposed to conviction) of criminals.  5K Run/Walk and 12k Only Run is open to all with strollers and certainly enjoy the DJ and good food!

Awards to top 3 Male/Females in both events, 10 year age groups to 80+ and youth 11 Under, 12-14, 15-19.  Largest Team award to corporate, open and service departments.  Both 5K and 12K are USATF NJ sanctioned race at 500pts.  The 5k is flat and the 12K is easy rolling and flat with beautiful scenery!

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