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It’s a runner’s/walker’s winter dream: a heart-pumping 5K of indoor track, in the iconic American Dream Mall. Run or Walk for a great cause – or be a Raiser/Spectator (sneakers not required!) You’ll raise funds with every stride and click.
Medals. Event Swag. Finish Line Buffet. 
Run/Walk: For women only

If you can’t make it to the Live event why don’t you try the Virtual Event. The virtual event can be run (or walked) from any location you choose. You can run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym or on the track (or even at another race). You get to run your own race, at your own pace, and at your own time. Running and walking on your own, or with friends

For more information about the Virtual Event click here.  

Virtual Run/Walk: open to anyone


Chesed 24/7 is always on the move – cooking meals, stocking hospitality rooms, and making sure that Jewish patients in 21 hospitals have everything they need. The rooms are stocked with coffee, meals, Yom Tov essentials, and much more; and are a lifeline to thousands. Join RUN 24.7, and Keep Our Rooms Running.

Top Individuals (625)

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shana oppen

$10,000.00 raised of $6,000.00

Sandy Lieder and Mimi Bodenheim :)

$7,493.00 raised of $1,800.00

Nachamah Jacobovits

$7,019.00 raised of $5,400.00

Mimi and Chana Miller

$6,988.00 raised of $5,000.00


Miriam Tress

$6,940.00 raised of $1,200.00

Top Teams (83)

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Passaic Team

$55,686.50 raised of $10,000.00


La Rootz Running Club

$38,670.43 raised of $18,000.00

Team J l'iluy nishmas Toby and Fejgy Jacobovits

$24,558.45 raised of $18,000.00


Faster than bullets

$21,344.73 raised of $1,200.00


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