Okay 5K Run
1.8 mile Wellness Walk (not timed)
Okay 5k
A Preventionfocus Event
Delaware Park, Buffalo
Tuesday July 15th @ 7pm
Whether it’s your first 5K or your 500th or you do it alone or part of a group or you run seriously for your best time or treat it as a fun walk, it’s all “okay!”
Kids ages 6 through 12 only $15. Discount applied before checkout.
84 Parkside Ave
Buffalo, NY US 14214
Join the Team Challenge!
Create a team of 4 runners and compete for fastest cumulative time, Just $80 for 4 runners.
Select Team Challenge Category, create a team name, and enter your information. All 4 team members must register, If not registering them all at the same time, be sure all team members select the team name to avoid being charged.
About Prevention Focus
Prevention Focus offers programs and strategies to prevent drug abuse and promote health.
Our Mission: Making safe and healthy happen by empowering individuals to make positive choices.
About Prevention Focus
Prevention is a proactive approach that keeps healthy people healthy and gives those at higher risk a better chance of avoiding dangerous and unhealthy behaviors. Underage drinking, substance abuse, problem gambling, bullying, obesity, violence, suicide, and a host of related problems can be reduced when the proper prevention strategies are implemented. Prevention Focus puts such strategies to work every day in an effort to stop problems before they start.
We give children, teens, and adults the skills and information they need to make safer and healthier choices. We also work to impact laws, policies, norms and beliefs that make those choices easier and more likely.
Contact us to see how we can make safe and healthy happen for you!
A Message From Our Executive Director
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.