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Fri July 4, 2025 Cape Vincent, NY 13618 US Directions


DENFIT 1776 7.76mi

$52 incl. $2 Fee 7:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT
70 spots left. Price increases after April 29, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

DENFIT 1776 Challenge

$76.76 incl. $2.72 Fee 7:00AM EDT - 11:00AM EDT
40 spots left. Price increases after April 29, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Cape Vincent Recreation Park
602 S James
Cape Vincent, NY US 13618


What better way to celebrate our nations birthday than with a run! 
Picture it: running down the street on the morning of July 4th with dozens of other people all carrying an American flag! 

The DENFIT1776 annual run is to honor and acknowledge the men and women who founded our nation, doing so with grit, determination, and perseverance. It is our American heritage to be able-bodied and demonstrate courage in the face of adversity. 

Runners will have TWO event options to choose from and will start at 7:00am on July 4th: 1776 7.76mi, and 17.76mi Challenge. The course starts from Cape Vincent Recreation Park and is a scenic route through the village of Cape Vincent and along the river to Tibbetts Point Lighthouse - a very flat and fast 7.76mi bringing runners back to the start line. From there, 1776Challenge runners will start a second lap. All fitness levels are welcome and encouraged to participate. Run and walk at your own pace while enjoying the view of the river and our quaint village!
EVENT Options (be sure to read requirements below):

1776 7.76mi - a quick "out-and-back" lap while carrying an American flag of any size or dressing in red, white, and blue! 

1776Challenge - 17.76mi (two laps + 5k loop) while carrying a 3x5 American flag on a pole the ENTIRE distance 

All runners must provide an American flag and will be asked to display it as they run 7.76mi. It can be ANY size (such as a small cemetery flag...but the bigger the better). Stick a small flag in a pocket of a running vest; carry a small pole... whatever you choose, a flag must be on display.

For runners who take up the Challenge option and want to earn the coveted DENFIT CUSTOM SPEAR, it must be a 3x5 flag on a pole and carried for the entire 17.76mi distance.

To guarantee your t-shirt sizing, register BEFORE 06/16/2025

This run is largely self-supported with one aid station located at the lighthouse turn around. 
Course closes at 11am 

Every participant receives a t-shirt and medal and will be provided light refreshments upon completing the course.

After the event, stick around for '4th of July Bike Parade', taking place also at Rec Park as the 1776 concludes. Watch as over a hundred kids carrying flags make their way through town on their bicycles! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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