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Waterloo Distance Festival

Sun October 27, 2024 Waterloo, NY 13165 US Directions


5k Walk

9:30AM EDT

5k Run

10:00AM EDT


Cayuga-Seneca Canal Trail
8-10 Fayette Street
Waterloo, NY US 13165


Zombie Distance Festival 5K Run / Walk & 14K Run (2 hour cut-off)
Start Time: 10:00am.
Walkers: 9:30am. 

Packet Pick-Up:
F-n-A Rythym & Booze
3 S. Virginia St.
Waterloo, NY 

Come dressed in your scariest costume. Zombies will be waiting for you on the course. Award Ceremony will be held at F-n-A’s at noon. Food and drinks can be purchased at F-n-A’s. 

Children Age 6-10: $13
Ages 11-17: $23
Ages 18 and up: $30 

Ages 13 and up: $40 

Proceeds will go to Beverly’s Animal Shelter and Boy Scout Troop 74. 

Disclaimer: Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Trail run on a fairly smooth dirt/stone mix path. The Revitalization of Waterloo Committee, The Village of Waterloo, The Village of Fayette, Seneca County, and any other unknown agencies are not responsible for the trail condition. Runner will proceed at their own risk. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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