Cleveland, OH US 44118
WHO: All are invited!
WHEN: October 19,2024
10AM Registration
11:00AM Races Begin
11AM - 2PM After Party
WHAT: This annual event starts with a 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk and ends with an after party featuring a food truck, snacks, beer, DJ, awards, raffle, fire truck, games, and college football on the big screen!
WHERE: The 5K and 1 mile run/walk will take place in person around the Gesu neighborhood. The after party takes place in the Gesu parking lot/school grounds and Family Center gymnasium
WHY: The Gesu Boosters Bulldog Bolt raises funds to support Gesu athletic programs and facilities, and to help offset a significant portion of the cost for our students and parishioners.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Paper Registration Form
Make checks payable to Run The Land & mail to:
Run the Land
18780 Rivercliff Dr, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126
Mailed entry forms must be received the Wednesday before race weekend.
Email with questions.
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Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.