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McConnell 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk

Sat May 10, 2025 Columbus, OH 43214 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

$35 9:00AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT
163 spots left. Registration ends May 10, 2025 at 8:30am EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

1 Mile Walk

$35 8:30AM EDT - 9:15AM EDT
29 spots left. Registration ends May 10, 2025 at 8:30am EDT
Open to ages 6 - 100.


McConnell Heart Health Center
3773 Olentangy River Rd
Columbus, OH US 43214


The 14th Annual McConnell 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk fundraiser, benefiting the OhioHealth Foundation, will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025, on the McConnell Heart Health Center campus. This race takes place on a combination of paved road surfaces and a beautiful, partially-wooded looped trail on the OhioHealth McConnell Heart Health Center property. The 5K course is mostly flat, with one or two hills. The 1-Mile Walk event will start at 8:30am followed by the 5K Walk/Run event at 9:00am.

The first half of the 5K course is on roads and a loop of the front parking lot, and the second half on the beautiful trail around the McConnell campus. The wooded trail has rolling hills and one challenging incline. 

Additional Race Information

Thank you for registering for the 2025 McConnell 5K Run/Walk or 1 Mile Walk on Saturday, May 10th  Please read through the information you’ll need to know for 1 Mile Walk and 5K race.

This year the 1 Mile Walk will start at 8:30AM and the 5K Run/Walk will start at 9:00 am. This will allow for the 1 Mile participants to complete the walk prior to the 5K start.

Please pay close attention to pre-race instructions, as well as signs and volunteers while on the course. Avoid walking in groups, so that others may pass if needed. 


Your entry fee includes:

  • one short sleeve event t-shirt
  • a goody bag

T-shirts can only be guaranteed for those who register on or before Sunday, April 20thThere might be only a few extra shirts available, and will be distributed on the order of registration.  No shirts will be ordered after the event.


Both the 5K and the 1 Mile walk will be chip timed. The timing chip will be attached to the back of the race bib. Please pin the race bib to the front of your shirt on race day. The race bib will be in the goody bags, and will be identified with the participant's name.


Course Length:  5K (3.1 miles) or 1 Mile

Race Course:   You will be on the McConnell Heart Health Campus for the duration of the race. There will be arrows and volunteers to guide you on the course.  The start and finish of the race will have obvious designations and will be explained in more detail on race day.  

Water Stop: There is one water stop along the course. 

No dogs are allowed in the run or walk.

What if it rains?  The event will be held rain or shine. It may be cancelled in the event of dangerous conditions (i.e. severe thunderstorm, lightning or tornado warning).

Early Packet Pickup: Pickup will be Wednesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 8th, from 5:00-7:00pm at the OhioHealth McConnell Heart Health Center. Or, they may be picked up Race Day, Saturday, May 10th at the registration table located inside.

Race Day Packet Pickup: 7:30 – 8:45AM



Park at the McConnell Heart Health Center, 3773 Olentangy River Road. There is ample parking available.


Post-Race Refreshments

Complimentary refreshments will be provided.


For the 5K event, awards will be presented to the Top Overall male and female finishers, plus Age Group top male and female finishers. The Top Overall male and female finishers in the 1-mile walk will receive an award.

Age Groups

  • 12 and under
  • 13-19
  • 20-29
  • 30-39
  • 40-49
  • 50-59
  • 60-69
  • 70-79
  • 80+

Course Info and Map

Both the 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk will start near the pond in the back of the McConnell Heart Health Center.

The course with both events (1 Mile and 5K) are the same as last year.  The first part of the course will include sections of the McConnell parking lot and the Sports Medicine lot, then onto McConnell Drive to the back of the campus. Most of the course is on paved trail/path the goes around the McConnell campus. The 5K course is flat, but there is one "uphill" section of the course as you approach Mile 2. Below is the link to the interactive MapMyRun map.

Click to see the MapMyRun interactive MAP

Event Sponsors and Door Prizes

The attached document shows all of our Event Sponsors and possible door prizes you can win by participating in the McConnell 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk. All door prizes will be drawn on the week of the race, and winners will be able to stop by the registration table after the race to pickup you prize.
In addition, there will be silent auction items to bid on prior to the start of the race.


More information on Sponsorships and door prizes coming soon!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Event Partner


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?
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