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Chip Timed

5k Run

$25 7:45AM EDT Price increases after May 2, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Chip Timed

5k Walk

$25 7:45AM EDT Price increases after May 2, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Event Description

Join us Saturday, May 3rd for a Run for Justice, 5k Run/Walk sponsored by WVU Medicine. Runners and walkers of all skill levels are welcome.
All proceeds raised at the event will benefit local legal and governmental educational programs. 

Participants will start at the Belmont County Divisional Court Complex located at 52160 National Road, St. Clairsville, Ohio and enjoy a relatively flat course along National Road/State Route 40, finishing in downtown St. Clairsville in front of the Main Belmont County Court House located at 101 W. Main Street, St. Clairsville, Ohio. There will be water stations and timing clocks along the route.   
Saturday, May 3rd, 2025. Both Runners & Walkers start at 7:45am 
St. Clairsville, Ohio, 43950
Parking for this event will be available at both the Divisional Court Complex and at the Main Court House in Downtown St. Clairsville. Because this is a point-to-point race, shuttle services will be provided before and after the race. Shuttle from downtown to starting line at 6:45am, 7:00am, 7:15am. Shuttle from downtown to Divisional Court Complex 9:30am, 10:00am.   

Pre-Event Packet pick-up will be Friday, May 2rd from 12:00pm – 4pm at the Northern Division County Court located at 52160 National Rd. St. Clairsville, Oh. 43950.  Race Day pick up will begin at 6:45am at the starting line at the Divisional Court Complex.
Registration on race day starting at 6:45am.
Your race packet will include your race bib, a Premium Tri-Blend T-shirt with the official race logo, finish line food and beverage. All participates registered by April 18th are guaranteed a Race T-shirt. Extra T-shirts will be first come first serve on race day.
Awards will be issued to the top male and female overall finisher. Additionally, Awards will be issued for both the 5k run and 5k walk for the top male and female in each of the following age categories: 12-under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 and Over.

Three team awards will be issued. Teams must have a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 10 members. The first four team members across the finish line score their time towards team scoring. The team with the lowest total time wins. Awards will be issued to the fastest 5k run team and 5k walk team. A special award will be issued to the team with most team spirit.   

Automatic text and email results will be sent immediately following a participants finish for those that opt-in. Instant results will also be available on site at the Results Kiosks and at the race website.
ENTRY FEE (non-refundable)
5k run & walk - $25 
Registration open until 7:30am on morning of the event. Register by April 18th to guarantee a t-shirt.
*First 40 Belmont County employees to register will have their registration fee waived and will receive a 4-pack of Bomba's ankle socks. Belmont County employees will receive an email at the same time with Coupon Code to apply at registration.   

The event will be held rain or shine; however, If we are unable to safely hold an in-person race for any reason including pandemic or Mother nature, we will automatically convert all registrations to a non-refundable virtual event as opposed to rescheduling. Updates will be posted on the race website. 

For any questions, please contact:
Timing Company: Muskingum Multisports @ 740-819-9300 or
Race Director: Adam L. Myser 740-635.0162 or 


Contact Form

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Event Location

52160 National Road
Saint Clairsville, OH 43950 US


Raised of $0


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