Atglen, PA US 19310
What: 5K Family Fun Run/Walk
Where: Octorara School Campus
Why: Support Cub Scout Pack 20 Atglen
Adults $25 OR $30 onsite 11/24
All students 5-17 $15
Please bring two canned goods with you. Food donations will be delivered to the Octorara Food Cupboard.
The runners signed up before 11/2 will be given a free T-shirt. T-shirts will be available for purchase, first come, first serve when signing up the day of the event for $10.
Registration is at 9:00am and the trot starts at 9:30am
The money raised from the Pack 20 Turkey Trot will help with the cost of Pack 20 activities and provide membership scholarships for those in need.
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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