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Sat March 8, 2025 ELLWOOD CITY, PA 16117 US Directions


313 Burns Ave


There is race day registration

70+ CHAMPIONSHIPS    Prize money to 6 year age group winners of 70+ ( 70-74, 75-79, 80+ ) 

Everyone is welcome !! 

Packet pickup starting  at 9:30 am.  A FLAT AND FAST 5K THROUGH THE BORO OF ELLPORT. (ellwood city) $150 CASH FOR OVERALL COURSE RECORDS.  Pizza Joes Pizza for everyone !!!! age group awards will be trophies this year !!   Running gloves or running socks or coffee mug or t-shirt to all entrants. Inside Community Building bathrooms only. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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