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Run for the Haven 5K

Sat April 5, 2025 Lancaster, PA 17601 US Directions


Run for the Haven 5K

$35 8:00AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT Price increases after April 4, 2025 at 11:59am EDT

Run for the Haven 1Mile Fun Run/Walk

$35 8:00AM EDT - 9:00AM EDT Price increases after April 4, 2025 at 11:59am EDT

Run for the Haven Virtual Challenge

$40 Registration ends April 5, 2025 at 9:00am EDT


Calvary Church
1051 Landis Valley Rd
Lancaster, PA US 17601


Join us on Saturday, April 5th, for the Inaugural Run for the Haven 5K in support of The Haven of Lancaster. The Haven is a life and learning community for Afghan refugees in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The focus of the Haven is to provide a safe space for Afghans to build a community here in the US where they can receive healing and develop the tools they need for cultural adaptation.


RACE DATE:      Saturday, April 5th

LOCATION:        Calvary Church
                            1051 Landis Valley Rd
                            Lancaster, PA 17601

CHECKIN:          7:00am - 7:50am

RACE START:    8:00am

DISTANCES:      5K (3.1 miles) or
                            1Mile Fun Run

TIMING:              The 5K will be professionally timed by Bryn Mawr Racing Co.
                             The 1Mile distance is a fun run and will not be timed

AWARDS:            Top 3 Male and Female Overall
                             Top Male and Female Per Age Group

SWAG:                 All Registered Runners will receive a custom race shirt

PRICING:             Early Registration until Friday, Aprill 4, 11:59am = $35pp
                             Race Weekend Registration (Friday, April 4, 12:00pm - Race Start) = $40pp
                             Children 12 and Under with a Registered Adult = $20/child

VIRTUAL:            We also offer a virtual challenge for those who cannot join us on April 5th. Register and run or walk any distance during the week of the race to
                             complete the virtual challenge. You can walk on a trail, around your neighborhood, in the mall, on a treadmill or wherever you like. All virtual
                             participants will be mailed the official Run the Haven 5K race shirt the week following the run. Pricing for the Virtual Challenge is $40/adult and
                             $30/child 12 and under.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Title Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Join us as a proud sponsor for the inaugural Run for the Haven 5K. The focus of the Haven is to provide a safe space for Afghans to build a community here in the US where they can receive healing and develop the tools they need for cultural adaptation. This is your chance to support the Haven and be a part of this inaugural event! Click the BECOME A SPONSOR button for more Sponsorship details.


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