The Race to End Hunger is Manna on Main Street’s biggest annual fundraiser. The proceeds from the event help provide services for those in need in the North Penn region. Manna on Main Street is a food pantry, soup kitchen, emergency financial aid and education provider serving our neighbors in need in the North Penn region. Our vision is “that everyone might be fed.”
Knapp Elementary School 698 Knapp Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446
Overall and Age Groups, Top 1-3 overall men and women , top 1-3 in each age group men and women:
-17 and under
-60 and over
Register by March 6th and receive a shirt. Sizing available in Unisex, Women’s (runs small) and Youth.
Add individual or team peer-to-peer fundraising to double your impact!
o Raise $125 and receive a long-sleeve tech shirt
o Raise $250 and receive a Manna hoodie
o Raise $500 and receive both!
• Top Team Fundraising Prize! The team that raises the most money (at least $1,500) will win a private movie showing for up to 49 people at Broad Theater in Souderton.
SPECIAL INCENTIVE FOR LOCAL GYMS AND FITNESS STUDIOS: The gym or fitness studio with the largest team participation receives the opportunity to be the Fitness Sponsor for the 2026 Race to End Hunger.
Bring your old sneakers to be recycled on race day! Sneakers will be recycled by GotSneakers? and proceeds benefit Manna.
Race Results:
Race will be professionally timed by the Bryn Mawr Racing Co.; Results will be found at
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Knapp Elementary School
698 Knapp Rd
Lansdale, PA 19446 US