Register For
Platte River Half-Marathon and Relay

Littleton, CO 80120

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event *

$141.45 $124.60  incl. $14.60 Fee

Individual Half Marathon Registration

$284.82 $265.05  incl. $30.05 Fee

Team Pricing May Apply

3-Person Half Marathon Relay Registration


2025 Platte River Half Marathon Participant Waiver for Registration

I understand that by registering electronically to participate in the 2025 Platte River Half Marathon (the
“Event”), I accept and agree to this waiver and release agreement (“Agreement”) presented in the online
registration and that this document includes a release of liability and waiver of legal rights that deprive
me of the right to sue certain parties. By agreeing electronically, I acknowledge that I have read and
understand this Agreement presented to me as part of the online registration process.
If the participant is under 18, the parent or legal guardian’s agreement and acceptance of this Agreement
shall have the legal effect that my minor participant (“Minor”) is bound by all terms of this Agreement
and that the parent or legal guardian is releasing and waiving rights on behalf of the Minor all in
consideration of my participation in the Event or the participation of Minor.

No Refunds
I understand that I am not entitled to a refund under any circumstance and by signing this waiver, I
consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is cancelled before or during the Event.  If the
Event fully converts to only a Virtual Race (no in-person event), I am also not entitled to a refund or
deferral of my entry to a future year's race.  I understand that is unlawful to run under someone else's
entry and I agree not to transfer my entry.

Acknowledgment of Hazards
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity, which could cause injury or death. I or
Minor will not enter and participate unless I am or Minor is medically able and properly trained, and by
my signature, I certify that I am or Minor is medically able to perform this event, and I am or Minor is in
good health, and I am or Minor is properly trained.  I and Minor agree to abide by any decision of a race
official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or
suspend my participation or Minor’s participation for any reason whatsoever.  I attest that I have read the
rules of the race and agree to abide by them on my behalf or that of Minor.  I and Minor assume all risks
associated with running in this event, including but not limited to: falls, physical contact with other
participants, volunteers, race personnel, contract service providers, employees, and spectators including
the potential the contraction of a communicable disease resulting from contact with other participants,
volunteers, race personnel, contract service providers, employees, and spectators.  I and Minor assume
all risks including: the effects of the weather; high heat and/or humidity; freezing cold temperatures;
traffic and the conditions of the road including surrounding terrain.
CDC Recommendations
I further agree to abide by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of
the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and other communicable diseases, and I
attest to having read the CDC's guidance at:
ncov/prepare/prevention.html.  I and Minor assume all such risks being known, appreciated, and
accepted by me.  In addition to following the CDC's recommendation, I further agree to follow any Platte
River Half Marathon specific requirements to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  This may include, but is
not limited to, wearing a mask on the bus, wearing a mask to the packet-pickup/Pre-Race Expo, wearing
a mask after finishing the race while on or near the course and/or finish line area.  I understand that if I
or Minor do not follow these guidelines that the registration for the Event can be suspended, and I or
Minor can be disqualified from the race.  

Even if I follow all CDC and Platte River Half Marathon recommendations and requirements, I
acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases and voluntarily
assume the risk that I or Minor may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and/or other communicable
diseases by participating in this event.  I acknowledge that such exposure or infection may result in
personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death.  I understand that the risk of becoming
exposed to or infected by COVID-19 in connection with my participation or Minor’s participation in this
event and personally assume this risk.

Race Rules
I and Minor shall abide by the rules of this race as stated in all official race information.
I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers/strollers, roller skates or inline skates, and animals
are not allowed in the race, and I or Minor will abide by all race rules. 
I understand the race course is only open for 3.5 hours.  If I am unable or Minor is unable to keep
adequate pace to finish within the 3.5 hour period, I understand that a race official may deem me or
Minor no longer a participant of the event and require me or Minor to stop running.  If I or Minor do not
listen and continue to stay on the closed race course, I understand that aid stations and medical
personnel will no longer be available to me or Minor and I assume or Minor assumes all risks. 
Additionally, if any race official, volunteer or medical personnel deems that I or Minor is unfit to continue
the race, I or Minor will listen to them and voluntarily stop the race.  
I understand that the Platte River Half Marathon, PLA Events, LLC, Alamo Events LP, City and County of
Denver, City of Littleton, City of Englewood, City of Sheridan, State of Colorado, Regional Transportation
District, Platte River Trail, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Department, RunSignup, all event race
organizers, volunteers or anyone else involved with this race assumes no responsibility or liability with
respect to my participation or Minor’s participation in this event.  I agree, however, to abide by any
decision of any race official relative to my ability or Minor’s ability to safely complete the run.

Photography Release
In consideration of my participation or Minor’s participation in the Event, I irrevocably grant Platte River
Half Marathon and Authorized Persons (as defined below) my permission and the right to photograph me
or Minor, take video recordings, and to use any and all photographic or other images taken of me or
Minor in connection with the Event including finished pictures, videos, negatives, transparencies, proofs,
reproductions, copies of the original prints and negatives in any media, including digital media and digital
information pertaining to any of them (collectively, the “Images”) according to the terms and conditions
of this Agreement. I hereby irrevocably permit, authorize and license Platte River Half Marathon, the
sponsors of the Event, RunSignup, and their respective legal representatives, successors, licensees,
agents, assigns, and those acting on behalf of any of them (“Authorized Persons”) to use, re-use, publish,
and re-publish the Images, either separately or together and either in whole or in part, and all materials
created by or on behalf of the Authorized Persons that incorporate any of the foregoing (“Materials”) for
any advertising, promotion and any other commercial or business purposes in perpetuity throughout the
world in any and all media and formats (including without limitation social media, print media, and digital
media such as websites and social media channels) and by any and all technologies and means of deliver
whether now or hereafter known or devised without further consent from or any royalty, payment, or
other compensation to me or Minor. I specifically consent to the use of the Images with other images,
text, graphics, film, audio, video, and audiovisual works. I acknowledge and agree that the Images may
be altered or modified without any restrictions, whether by traditional photographic techniques or
digitally, including retouching, creating composite, blurred, or distorted representations, and changing

color, size, shape, perspective, context, foreground, or background. Platte River Half Marathon is and will
be the exclusive owner of all rights in the Images and Materials.
I hereby irrevocably transfer, assign, and otherwise convey to Platte River Half Marathon my entire right,
title, and interest, if any, to the Images and Materials and all copyrights and other intellectual property
rights in the Images and Materials (including those of Minor if applicable) arising in any jurisdiction
throughout the world in perpetuity, including all registration, renewal, and reversion rights, and the right
to sue to enforce such rights against infringers.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, on behalf of me and Minor, I hereby irrevocably waive
all legal and equitable rights relating to all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, and
expenses, including but not limited to claims for copyright or trademark infringement, infringement of
moral rights, libel, defamation, invasion of any rights of privacy under statute or common law (including
intrusion, false light, public disclosure of private facts, and misappropriation of name or likeness),
violation of any rights of publicity, physical or emotional injury or distress, or any similar claim or cause of
action in tort, contract, or any other legal theory, known known or hereafter known in any jurisdiction
throughout the world (collectively, “Claims”) arising directly or indirectly from the Authorized Persons’
exercise of their rights as specified in this Agreement or the production, exhibition, advertising,
promotion, exploitation or other use of the Images, and whether resulting in whole or in part from the
negligence of Platte River Half Marathon or any other person, covenant not to make or bring any such
Claims against any Authorized Persons and their agents, employees, and representatives, and forever
release and discharge the Authorized Persons from liability under such Claims. I understand that Platte
River Half Marathon is relying on this Agreement and will incur significant expenses in reliance on this
Agreement, and I agree that this Agreement cannot be terminated, rescinded, or modified, in whole or in

Facial Recognition Technology
I acknowledge and understand that RunSignup (including its legal representatives, successors, licensees,
agents, assigns, and those acting on behalf of any of them) may use facial recognition technology at the
Event and that such technology may collect, store, and use a digital photograph and/or scan of my face
or that of Minor (collectively “FR Materials”). The FR materials are collected by RunSignup for purposes
which include identifying image matched within the FR Materials in order to provide me or Minor with a
variety of images of their participation in the Event, to confirm Event results, and for other purposes
related to the Event and post-Event publicity. I understand that the FR Materials may constitute
“biometric information” under potentially applicable state and federal laws. I acknowledge that this
Agreement shall constitute notice of the collection of such information under potentially applicable state
and federal laws, and shall constitute my written consent to such collection including consent on behalf of
Minor. I further understand that RunSignup’s policy is that the FR Materials will be permanently deleted
from RunSignup’s systems no later than three (3) years after my registration for the Event and/or my last
use of the website for the Event.

General Release
Having read this Agreement and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry or
the entry of Minor, I, myself and anyone entitled to action on my behalf do hereby release, waiver,
discharge, and covenant not to sue The Platte River Half Marathon, PLA Events, LLC, Alamo Events LP,
City and County of Denver, City of Littleton, City of Englewood, City of Sheridan, State of Colorado,
Regional Transportation District, Platte River Trail, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Department,
RunSignup, all event coordinators, volunteers, all sponsors, representatives (including event volunteers),
and each of their parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and their respective officers, directors, agents, servants,
and employees (collectively “Releasees”) from any and all claims, liability, demands, actions and causes

of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damages, or injury, including death, that may
be sustained by me or Minor arising out of my participation or Minor’s participation in this Event, even
though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of any Releasees.

Virtual Race Event
I understand that my registration has been converted to a Virtual Race entry.  I understand that this
event does not provide refunds under any circumstance and by signing this waiver, I consent that I am
not entitled to a refund or deferral of my entry or Minor’s entry to a future year's race.  I understand that
is unlawful to run under someone else's entry and I agree not to transfer my entry.
I understand that my 'Virtual Race' or that of Minor is my sole responsibility and I accept and Minor
accepts all risks with my 'Virtual Race' or that of Minor.  I understand that I choose the date, time and
location.  I understand that I am or Minor is not required to nor encouraged to run the official race
course to receive an official time.  I understand that when I or Minor run the 'Virtual Race', there will be
NO race sponsored support.  Support is defined as, but not limited to, the following: aid stations, water
stations, course vehicles, emergency responders, medical aid, medical attention, first aid, traffic control,
road closures, trail closures, police officers or any other person or entity affiliated or associated with the
I know that running a 'Virtual Race' is a potentially hazardous activity, which could result in injury or
death.  I acknowledge that I am or Minor is participating in the activity outlined by this virtual event by
my own free will and at my own personal risk.  I will not participate in a virtual event unless I am
medically able to do so and properly trained.  By my signature, I certify that I am or Minor is medically
able to perform this event, and I am or Minor is in good health and I am or Minor is property trained.  I
and/or Minor assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls,
slips, inclement weather, traffic and general health conditions, all such risks being known and understood
by me.  I am aware there will be no race official, volunteer personnel or medical support for my 'Virtual
I further agree to abide by the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of
the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and other communicable diseases, and I
attest to having read the CDC's guidance at:
ncov/prepare/prevention.html. I attest that if my community has a shelter in place order, that I or Minor
will only participate in the virtual event by using a personal treadmill, and I will not run outside in the
community during the duration of a shelter in place order
I understand I need to supply a verified time and distance for me or Minor on or before, April 13, 2025.  I
also understand the 'Virtual Race' cannot be used as a qualifying time for other races.  
I understand that the Platte River Half Marathon, PLA Events, LLC, Alamo Events LP, City and County of
Denver, City of Littleton, City of Englewood, City of Sheridan, State of Colorado, Regional Transportation
District, Platte River Trail, South Suburban Parks and Recreation Department, RunSignup, all event race
organizers, volunteers or anyone else involved with this race assumes no responsibility or liability with
respect to my participation or Minor’s participation in this event.  I agree, however, to abide by any
decision of any race official relative to my ability or Minor’s ability to safely complete the run.

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