Register For
Walk for Autism - WESTBROOK

Westbrook, ME 04098

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

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Multi-Person Pricing



I, the undersigned, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Autism Society of Maine from all cost, expense and liability arising out of my, or my child / adult's participation in this event to benefit Autism awareness.  I do hereby waive all claims for damage or loss to me or my child's person or property which may be caused by any act, or failure to act, by the Autism Society of Maine, its officers, agents or employees arising directly or indirectly from me or my child's loss, damage or other liability form such event.  I give permission for ASM to use any videos or pictures taken at the Walk for Autism for their website, newsletter, or other promotions.

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