Register For
St. Stan's/Trail Creek 5K Run & Walk

Trail Creek, IN 46360

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event(s) *

$25.00 + $2.50 SignUp Fee

$25.00 + $2.50 SignUp Fee


I assume all responsibility and agree to release St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, the Town of Trail Creek, Indiana, race officials, workers or volunteers, (collectively, the Releases) and all other sponsors from ANY AND ALL claims, or liability, including without limitation the sole or contributory negligence of any or all the Releases, whether seen or unforeseen. In addition, I verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the St. Stanislaus 5K Run/Walk.

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