Register For
Mini Milers

Burlington, VT 05401

Registrant #1

Login with your RunSignup account.

This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Program *

Event Date: TBD
Open to ages 6 - 12.


Event Date: TBD
Open to ages 7 - 11.


Event Date: TBD
Open to ages 5 - 10.


Program Dates: April 5th, April 13th (Sunday), April 19th, April 26th, May 3rd, May 10th, and May 17th. All practices will be held in Williston from 9am to 10am


WAIVER FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS, PLEASE SIGN: I desire to participate in the Mini Milers in Vermont. I acknowledge that running has inherent dangers and can be a dangerous sport. I assume all risks of running along roadways. I hereby for myself, my heirs, and executors, waive, release and hold harmless RunVermont and all organizations and persons associated with the Mini Milers Program, including but not limited to the City of Burlington, sponsors and the officers, directors, shareholders and/or members, agents, or employees of each, all medical and other personnel assisting with the program, from any and all claims, liabilities, rights or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature, including but not limited to those arising from negligence on the part of any of the aforementioned persons or entities, for damages for any and all injuries to me or my property, or for damage caused by me or by anyone else (including Acts of God), in connection with participation. I hereby certify that: my child is in good health and I have read the Mini Milers rules and understand that if my child cannot comply with the instructions and rules of the program they may be dismissed from the program without refund. I further understand that the presence of extreme weather conditions may cause cancellation of the program and that if such were to occur that no refunds are provided to event participants. I also hereby grant full permission to the Mini Miler Program, RunVermont, and/or agents authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any time without compensation. I understand that event photos of my child may be used in future on-line or print RunVermont marketing materials. The Mini Milers Program does not refund registration fees under any circumstances. 

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