Register For
Dirty Love 15k & 8k

Registrant #1

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This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event(s) *

20% Discount Per Event

Pick 6 to 8 of the following races.
Dirty Love 15k & 8k
Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 US 03/22/2025
Pick 1 event from this race:

  • $52.00

  • $32.00
Flirt with Dirt 10k & Half Marathon
Brecksville, OH 44141 US 03/29/2025
Down & Dirty 5 Mile & 10 Mile
Peninsula, OH 44264 US 08/09/2025
Muddy Paws 5 Mile & 10 Mile
Peninsula, OH 44264 US 06/14/2025
Leave No Trace Trail Half Marathon & Minnehaha 15k & 5k
Peninsula, OH 44264 US 08/30/2025
Chippewa Creek Challenge
Brecksville, OH 44141 US 10/25/2025
Dirty Dirty
Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 US 11/22/2025
Get your Heart Pumping!

$65.00 + $6.55 SignUp Fee

Run or Hike!

$40.00 + $4.80 SignUp Fee

Would you like to join or create a Group/Team?

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