Register For
Mind Over Matter 5k Run and Walk

Oakdale, NY 11769

Registrant #1

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Format: mm/dd/yyyy
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$28.45  incl. $3.45 Fee



1. PURPOSE AND EXPLANATION OF PROCEDURE I hereby consent to voluntarily engage in an appropriate plan of personal fitness training with Changes For Life DBA GEM Fitness. I also give consent to be placed in personal fitness training program activities which are recommended to me for improvement of health and fitness. The levels of exercise I perform will be based upon my cardiorespiratory (heart and lungs) and muscular fitness. I understand that I may be required to undergo an exercise test or a tolerance test prior to the start of my personal fitness training program in order to evaluate and assess my present level of fitness. I will be given personal instructions regarding the amount and kind of exercise I should do. A professionally trained personal fitness trainer will provide leadership to direct my activities, monitor my performance, and otherwise evaluate my effort. Depending upon my health status, I may or may not be required to have my blood pressure and heart rate evaluated during these sessions to regulate my exercise within desired limits.
If I am taking prescribed medications, I will be medication compliant and have already informed the fitness training program staff and further agree to inform them promptly of any changes which my doctor or I have made with regard to use of these. I will be given the opportunity for periodic assessment and evaluation at regular intervals after the start of the program. I have been informed that during my participation in the above-described personal fitness training program, I will be asked to complete the physical activities unless symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest discomfort or similar occurrences appear. At this point, I have been advised that it is my complete right to decrease or stop exercise and that it is my obligation to inform the personal fitness training program personnel of my symptoms, should any develop. I understand that during the performance of exercise, a personal fitness trainer will monitor my performance and, perhaps measuring my pulse, blood pressure, or assess my perceived effort for the purposes of monitoring my progress. I also understand that the personal fitness trainer may reduce or stop my exercise program when any of these findings so indicate that this should be done for my safety and benefit. I also understand that during the performance of my personal fitness training program physical touching and positioning of my body may be necessary to assess my muscular and bodily reactions to specific exercises, as well as to ensure that I am using proper technique and body alignment. I expressly consent to the physical contact for the stated reasons above.

2. RISKS It is my understanding and I have been informed that there exists the possibility during exercise of adverse changes including, but not limited to, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, dizziness, disorders of heart rhythm, and in very rare instances heart attack, stroke, or even death. I further understand and I have been informed that there exists the risk of bodily injury including, but not limited to, injuries to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints of the body. Every effort, I have been told, will be made to minimize these occurrences by proper staff assessments of my condition before each personal fitness training session, supervision during exercise and by my own careful control of exercise efforts. I fully understand the risks associated with exercise, including the risk of bodily injury, heart attack, stroke or even death, but knowing these risks, it is my desire to participate as herein indicated.

program may or may not benefit my physical fitness or general health. I recognize that involvement in the personal fitness training sessions will allow me to learn proper ways to perform conditioning exercises, use fitness equipment and regulate physical effort. These experiences should benefit me by indicating how my potential physical limitations may affect my ability to perform various physical activities. I further understand that if I closely follow the program instructions, that I will likely improve my exercise capacity and fitness level after a period of 1-3 months.

4. CONFIDENTIALITY AND USE OF INFORMATION I have been informed that the information which is obtained in this personal fitness training program will be treated as privileged and confidential and will consequently not be released or revealed to any person, to the use of any information which is not personally identifiable with me for research and statistical purposes so long as same does not identify my person or provide facts which could lead to my identification. Any other information obtained, however, will be used only by the program staff to evaluate my exercise status or needs.

5. INQUIRIES AND FREEDOM OF CONSENT I have been given an opportunity to ask questions as to the procedures.

I have read this Informed Consent form, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily, without inducement.

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