We sincerely hope that this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Entering 2021, we had high hopes that we would already have a 2021 Semper 5K/10K event scheduled and seeing record registration numbers. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. As we continue to face the pandemic locally, the City of Anaheim is uncertain when they will be allowing events to be scheduled. After much consideration, it is with deep regret that we will not be in a position to host an event this year. There simply would not be enough time to plan the same quality event that we have all enjoyed together so much in the past. We're praying that we can resume in 2022.
Thank you for your understanding and please know that we are truly grateful for your many years of support. The lives of our 13th MEU families have been deeply enriched because of it. We pray for your good health in this new year.
God Bless America !!!!
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