Register For
David Saul Memorial ~ Fidelity 5K Run and Walk

Hamilton, HM 19

Registrant #1

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This will be the password for your RunSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event *

Junior 1.8K Run
Open to ages 7 - 9.

$15.00 + $3.00 SignUp Fee

This event is limited to Children aged 7 to 9.

There is an informal grass run within the grounds of Fidelity after the other events for Children aged 4 to 6. No registration is needed.

5K Run
Open to ages 10+.

$35.00 + $4.13 SignUp Fee

($15: Ages 10 - 18)

5K Competitive Walk
Open to ages 10+.

$35.00 + $4.13 SignUp Fee

($15: Ages 10 - 18)

This is a Competitive Walk event.

There is no running allowed at anytime in this event.

5K Non-Competitive Run/Walk
Open to ages 10+.

$35.00 + $4.13 SignUp Fee

($15: Ages 10 - 18)

This event is not eligible for prizes, it is intended for participation to show support for the event on a Non-Competitive basis.

Participants can Run/Walk as they wish.

Would you like to join the following club: Mid Atlantic Athletic Club?

As a club member, you will receive a discount on event fees.

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