OCR Beer Run 2021 "Oregon Edition"

Breakside Brewing
Unlocked on

Milestone for Eternal Hoptimists

Unlocked on 8/26/2021!


After 1,585.5 miles along our beautiful coast, through multiple, majestic mountain ranges and along the Mighty Columbia, you find yourself at our final brewery, Breakside. Originating in Portland’s NE Dekum Triangle, our run concludes at their custom-built NW Portland location in the heart of Portland’s Slabtown district. A more than worthy locale to end a beer run. While there, enjoy their amazing menu and our favorite beer, the Wanderlust IPA.

Check out all their beers: Breakside Brewery

It’s been a fantastic journey and we hope you’ve enjoyed all that Oregon has to offer with our natural beauty and world class beers.

Tip one back for us and enjoy!

Fundy & Nicholas

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