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22 Minnetonka M.S. Meet at MMW

Wed October 12, 2022 Minnetonka, MN 55305 US Directions

Results for Edina

6th and 7th Girls
Place: 4 Score: 85
Clock Time:

Member Results

Team Pos Place Score Name Bib Grade Time Pace
1 14 14 MCCRACKEN ELSIE 475 7 10:44.8 7:10/M
2 16 16 MOSER GILLIAN 479 7 10:47.2 7:11/M
3 17 17 SCOTT LAUREN 487 7 10:55.9 7:17/M
4 18 18 MEIXELSPERGER ALYSON 467 7 10:59.0 7:19/M
5 20 20 LANGSWEIRDT VALERIE 495 7 11:00.3 7:20/M
6 27 27 BURGER CLAIRE 473 7 11:08.0 7:25/M
7 29 29 NYBECK ISABELLA 482 7 11:08.5 7:26/M
8 32 >7 HANSON KATHRYN 483 7 11:13.2 7:29/M
9 40 >7 JAIN EVA 478 7 11:36.2 7:44/M
10 50 >7 D'ANGELO ANGELINA 470 7 11:45.2 7:50/M
11 60 >7 DELANEY AUDREY 472 7 12:05.8 8:04/M
12 71 >7 KOSTO KEDRAN 484 7 12:49.4 8:33/M
13 77 >7 CAMPBELL AMELIA 468 7 12:55.8 8:37/M
14 78 >7 KOSTO KIRSTEN 485 7 13:20.8 8:54/M
15 99 >7 BRAUN SENA 493 7 15:08.6 10:06/M
16 100 >7 CARLSON-GROUNI AMINA 469 7 15:15.8 10:10/M
17 101 >7 RAUN MABEL 488 7 15:19.0 10:13/M
18 105 >7 THENAPPAN KRITHI 486 7 15:47.4 10:32/M
19 106 >7 BERGE NATHALIE 490 7 16:09.3 10:46/M
20 111 >7 STAUGAITIS ROXANNE 491 7 17:09.5 11:26/M
21 112 >7 FRENKEL GRACE 480 7 17:11.6 11:28/M
22 115 >7 STEVENSON EMMA 477 7 17:38.6 11:46/M

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