Results For
Ford Elementary Jingle Jog 5K

Acworth, GA 30101

Ford Elementary Jingle Jog 5k 2023
Date: 12/02/2023
Overall List all

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Total Time Pace
71Logan VolkerKennesaw GA586710M26: 1-185k7 43:35.114:04/M
72evie phillips9979F19: 1-185k6 44:32.914:22/M
73Olivia HallAcworth GA58089F20: 1-185k6 44:34.914:23/M
74Andres PulidoAcworth GA583848M12:40-495k 45:04.514:32/M
75Nicolas PulidoAcworth GA583920M1:19-295k 45:43.414:45/M
76Lizzi PulidoAcworth GA583615F21: 1-185k9 46:48.615:06/M
77Lady SoteloAcworth GA586340F10:40-495k 47:03.315:11/M
78Lyla GrahamAcworth GA580311F22: 1-185k8 48:25.115:37/M
79Brian GrahamAcworth GA580439M3:30-395k 48:26.715:38/M
80Ellie HallAcworth GA58075F23: 1-185kk 52:38.416:59/M
of 9

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