Results For
Pound the Pavement for Peter - Family Fun Run

Atlanta, GA 30319

********** AGE-GROUP RESULTS **********

********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
101262Sherry Adams15--35:4311:30
102263Caroline Willis44Atlanta GA35:4811:32
103265Makayla Moran14Atlanta GA35:5211:33
104266Peyton Kanay14Atlanta GA35:5211:33
105267Lindsey Sherrod24Atlanta GA35:5611:34
106268Mary Kent Ellis45Atlanta GA35:5711:35
107273Susan Higley76Atlanta GA36:0911:38
108276Kay Alexander37Atlanta GA36:2711:44
109278Chanel Boveri48Atlanta GA36:4311:49
110281Laura Palacios11Atlanta GA36:5811:54
of 32

********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
101143Henry Gragnani10Atlanta GA29:519:37
102144John Peak51Atlanta GA29:549:38
103150McGowin Miller44Brewton AL30:269:48
104152Drake Conner38Atlanta GA30:349:50
105154Pierce Minor7Atlanta GA30:379:52
106155Richard Minor40Atlanta GA30:379:52
107156Wilson Noell9Atlanta GA30:419:53
108157Davis Noell40Atlanta GA30:419:53
109158Rush Bradley45Atlanta GA30:589:58
110160Neil Pruitt45Atlanta GA31:0410:00
of 27

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