Results For
Pound the Pavement for Peter - Family Fun Run

Atlanta, GA 30319

********** AGE-GROUP RESULTS **********

********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
261502Susan Lichtman42Atlanta GA55:0917:45
262503Megan Stewart31--55:2017:49
263505Leanne Hussion39Atlanta GA55:2317:50
264507Nikki O'Neill31--56:0218:02
265508Jessica Randall26Atlanta GA56:0718:04
266509Sophia Epps30Atlanta GA56:0818:04
267512Christie Jordan33Atlanta GA56:1018:05
268515Lindsay Murphy37Atlanta GA56:3318:12
269516Nancy Glover38Atlanta GA56:3418:13
270518Anne Dorsett41Suwanee GA56:5518:20
of 32

********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
261566Kevin Barnes39--1:04:4020:49
262571Billy Wren68Atlanta GA1:04:5120:53
263577Jacob Edy7Sandy Springs GA1:06:2421:23
264578Wayne Edy49Sandy Springs GA1:06:2821:24
265579Elliot Crump8Atlanta GA1:08:4222:07
266580Chris Crump48Atlanta GA1:08:4522:08
of 27

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