Results For
Pound the Pavement for Peter - Family Fun Run

Atlanta, GA 30319

********** AGE-GROUP RESULTS **********

********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
71189Parker Landt11Atlanta GA35:2311:24
72191Anne-Sophie Hankla47Atlanta GA35:2611:25
73194Jaimi Reisz44Decatur GA36:0911:38
74196Jennifer Cary53Atlanta GA36:1111:39
75198Sara Gavrilovic12Atlanta GA36:2111:42
76199Helena Viberg12Atlanta GA36:2411:43
77201Evelyn Price936:2611:44
78202Lucile Ross9Atlanta GA36:2611:44
79203Susan Lichtman45Atlanta GA36:4211:49
80205Reese Paidipalli10Atlanta GA36:4911:51
of 25

********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********

Place Place Name Age Hometown Time Pace
71128Kyle Sorrels31Lutz FL31:3610:11
72129Tommy Giardino46Atlanta GA31:4710:14
73130Eric Davidson46Atlanta GA31:5110:16
74136James Horton2932:0210:19
75137Chase Tilton32:0310:19
76142Charles Williams7Atlanta GA32:2410:26
77144Paul Landt52Atlanta GA32:3010:28
78150Jeff Brown49Atlanta GA32:4610:33
79154Walker Noell8Atlanta GA32:5810:37
80155Davis Noell43Atlanta GA33:0310:39
of 18

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