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Durham City-County XC Championships

Tue October 8, 2024 Durham, NC 27714 US Directions

Results for Jordan

BOYS B RACE Individual Finishers
Place: 1 Score: 31
Clock Time:

Member Results

Team Place Place Member Score Name Bib Clock Time Avg. Pace
1 2 2 FOREST TARR 153 17:16.5 5:42
2 4 4 RYDER EISENMAN 125 17:30.8 5:46
3 6 6 BENJAMIN KOELLING 137 17:42.3 5:50
4 9 9 ELIJAH HANSON 131 18:14.8 6:01
5 10 10 JALEN DIGGS 124 18:25.8 6:05
6 12 12 ANDRE GONZALEZ LOPEZ 129 18:31.8 6:07
7 15 15 CARTER GERMANA 127 18:48.7 6:12
8 16 >7 STEVEN JANSEN 133 18:54.6 6:14
9 18 >7 JOSEPH SCHNEIDER 147 19:07.8 6:18
10 22 >7 DANIEL MCCULLOCH 138 19:32.0 6:26
11 23 >7 EZRA O'MANSKY 143 19:37.0 6:28
12 26 >7 JOHN FISHER 126 19:47.2 6:31
13 29 >7 CARTER JONES 135 19:59.8 6:36
14 30 >7 MALO BOIS 119 20:00.3 6:36
15 32 >7 ELLIOTT O'KEEFE 142 20:04.2 6:37
16 34 >7 LEVI HAIRGROVE 130 20:08.3 6:38
17 40 >7 CHALRES SPROUSE 152 20:11.8 6:39
18 41 >7 VIKRAM PREMAKUMAR 145 20:20.6 6:42
19 48 >7 LUKE MITCHELL 140 20:57.4 6:55
20 61 >7 AUBREY KIMBALL 136 21:35.6 7:07
21 67 >7 ALAN CRUZ-CHAVEZ 123 21:51.2 7:12
22 69 >7 ISIAH JOHNSON 134 21:59.7 7:15
23 71 >7 COLIN BROWN 120 22:03.2 7:16
24 81 >7 KHALIL SPAULDING 150 22:50.5 7:32
25 106 >7 PATRICK SOHER 148 25:10.4 8:18
26 107 >7 ABRAHAM SOUSA 149 25:11.8 8:18
27 112 >7 TAYM MUBAREK 141 26:03.8 8:36
28 113 >7 MAX GERMANA 128 26:12.4 8:38
29 124 >7 CLAY SPROUSE 151 30:01.5 9:54
30 129 >7 GABRIEL CAMPOS 121 46:33.4 15:21
31 130 >7 ETHAN PAZDZIOR 144 46:39.2 15:23
32 131 >7 CALVIN WELCH 154 53:27.6 17:37

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