Results For
Footprints Forever 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Lafayette, LA 70508

2017 Footprints Forever 5K
Date: 10/14/2017
5K Runners

5K Participants Adults - Females

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
241Laurie VicknairLafayette LA15028F40/129 20-291 51:00.851:13.80:12.916:27/M
242Cameron HigginsGeismar LA1429F17/35 8-112 51:01.151:13.60:12.516:27/M
243Lauren HigginsGeismar LA14331F80/164 30-391 51:01.551:14.90:13.316:27/M
244Lindsey KeelyCarencro LA5240F46/84 40-491 51:02.851:38.80:35.916:28/M
245Laura GaryCarencro LA5037F81/164 30-391 51:03.451:38.80:35.416:28/M
246Dori KeelyLafayette LA5117F7/25 15-191 51:04.551:39.90:35.316:28/M
247Kristy BernardLafayette LA30340F47/84 40-491 51:06.251:10.50:04.216:29/M
248Junior VillejoinEstherwood LA133849F48/84 40-491 51:11.951:43.40:31.416:31/M
249Kaylie FontenotMaurice LA121110F18/35 8-112 51:12.251:50.80:38.616:31/M
250Lauren GauthreauxLafayette LA30725F41/129 20-291 51:19.451:23.30:03.816:33/M
of 58

- Males

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
241Casey LatiolaisLafayette LA111728M40/57 20-291 58:43.959:38.40:54.518:56/M
242Gabriel LamperezNew Iberia LA81112M9/9 12-142 58:47.91:01:19.62:31.718:58/M
243Tim GuilbeauSunset LA26358M18/24 50-591 58:48.51:00:20.61:32.118:58/M
244Collin WithersBreaux Bridge LA11393M16/31 1- 72 59:03.759:47.70:43.919:03/M
245Michael TamporelloBroussard LA29729M41/57 20-291 59:10.81:01:05.51:54.719:05/M
246Drew BrelandPhiladelphia MS46329M42/57 20-291 59:11.61:01:26.22:14.619:05/M
247Mike PaissonLake Charles LA146526M43/57 20-291 59:16.71:02:08.32:51.519:07/M
248Brandon MilamBreaux Bridge LA59334M79/101 30-391 59:31.71:00:35.51:03.719:12/M
249James AymondEunice LA159327M44/57 20-291 59:38.11:01:38.32:00.119:14/M
250Caleb ChaissonJennings LA1853M17/31 1- 72 1:00:22.31:00:32.80:10.519:28/M
of 34

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