Results For
Footprints Forever 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Lafayette, LA 70508

2017 Footprints Forever 5K
Date: 10/14/2017
5K Runners

5K Participants Adults

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
461Shaun HearenLafayette LA83338M66/101 30-391 52:32.354:23.41:51.116:57/M
462Yvonne ReauxScott LA128852F25/62 50-591 52:35.453:15.80:40.316:58/M
463Kyler BrewerLafayette LA5857M7/31 1- 72 52:35.952:51.40:15.416:58/M
464Rheagan ChapmanLafayette LA134819F9/25 15-191 52:36.052:51.90:15.816:58/M
465Jan MeadersLafayette LA128761F12/31 60-991 52:36.153:15.80:39.616:58/M
466Cody PratherChurch Point LA140726M31/57 20-291 52:36.553:07.40:30.816:58/M
467Daisy MathiesonLafayette LA134623F49/129 20-291 52:37.352:51.60:14.216:58/M
468Matt VallsNew Iberia LA130433M67/101 30-391 52:39.653:01.90:22.316:59/M
469Andrew Lavergne IIBaton Rouge LA106911M19/28 8-112 52:42.255:15.92:33.717:00/M
470Brandon CormierGueydan LA17229M32/57 20-291 52:42.754:57.92:15.217:00/M
of 92

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