Results For
Footprints Forever 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Lafayette, LA 70508

2017 Footprints Forever 5K
Date: 10/14/2017
5K Runners

5K Participants Adults - Females

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
441Heather LouvierreLafayette LA66435F125/164 30-391 1:03:38.51:06:08.92:30.420:32/M
442Hannah HebertYoungsville LA66130F126/164 30-391 1:03:39.31:06:10.32:30.920:32/M
443Jessica BourgeoisYoungsville LA65738F127/164 30-391 1:03:39.71:06:11.12:31.420:32/M
444Mallory AutinYoungsville LA21821F89/129 20-291 1:03:39.81:05:41.42:01.620:32/M
445Catherine BlockThibodaux LA22356F50/62 50-591 1:03:41.21:05:40.81:59.620:33/M
446Tristan WileyRayne LA41127F90/129 20-291 1:03:44.01:05:13.71:29.620:34/M
447Janice CastilleRayne LA140350F51/62 50-591 1:03:45.61:04:16.40:30.820:34/M
448Tayler PratherChurch Point LA140624F91/129 20-291 1:03:45.81:04:14.20:28.320:34/M
449Taylor HigginsLafayette LA139524F92/129 20-291 1:03:46.01:04:16.60:30.620:34/M
450Lexi RichardChurch Point LA140227F93/129 20-291 1:03:46.91:04:16.20:29.220:34/M
of 58

- Males

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
331Stuart CarlsonScott LA110432M100/101 30-391 1:12:03.41:12:51.70:48.223:15/M
332Donald GreenLake Charles LA149530M101/101 30-391 1:12:35.21:12:35.223:25/M
333Luke LeblancDuson LA5274M31/31 1- 72 1:12:46.21:14:05.91:19.723:28/M
334Chad MillerYoungsville LA53042M37/37 40-491 1:12:46.51:14:03.91:17.423:28/M
of 34

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