Results For
Footprints Forever 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Lafayette, LA 70508

2017 Footprints Forever 5K
Date: 10/14/2017
5K Runners

5K Participants Adults

Fin Pos Name City Bib No Age Gender Age Group Div Chip Time Gun Time Chip Diff Pace
421Jessica GuilbeauCarencro LA48949F45/84 40-491 50:28.650:46.40:17.716:17/M
422Hilary FrugeYoungsville LA33630F79/164 30-391 50:50.451:46.30:55.816:24/M
423Kimberly SimonCarencro LA33853F21/62 50-591 50:50.751:46.30:55.616:24/M
424Marshall HigginsGeismar LA14432M64/101 30-391 50:59.251:12.10:12.916:27/M
425Laurie VicknairLafayette LA15028F40/129 20-291 51:00.851:13.80:12.916:27/M
426Cameron HigginsGeismar LA1429F17/35 8-112 51:01.151:13.60:12.516:27/M
427Lauren HigginsGeismar LA14331F80/164 30-391 51:01.551:14.90:13.316:27/M
428Lindsey KeelyCarencro LA5240F46/84 40-491 51:02.851:38.80:35.916:28/M
429Laura GaryCarencro LA5037F81/164 30-391 51:03.451:38.80:35.416:28/M
430Dori KeelyLafayette LA5117F7/25 15-191 51:04.551:39.90:35.316:28/M
of 92

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