Results For
Easter Seals Walk With Me 5K Run

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Easter Seals Walk With Me 5k Run
Philadelphia, PA 06/01/2019 8:30 AM Weather: Sunny, 70 Degress

Place No. Name City State Age Div place Div total Sex Gun Time Pace
211652Jack LowneyPhiladelphiaPA28610M26:518:39
221926Anna Igims1712F26:558:40
231862Lauren PfluegerPittsburghPA1722F26:578:41
241647Matt StevensForest CityPA37813M27:248:49
251867Aaron RolstonGilbertsvillePA1047M27:278:50
261673Jill ChestnutBala CynwydPA4313F27:288:51
271629Kristin SokelPhiladelphiaPA38213F27:398:54
281631Kara McKeePhiladelphiaPA31313F27:548:59
291928Joe PayneAudubonPA4024M28:059:03
301665Thomas NagleNew HopePA24710M28:109:04
of 8

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