Results For
Easter Seals Walk With Me 5K Run

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Easter Seals Walk With Me 5k Run
Philadelphia, PA 06/01/2019 8:30 AM Weather: Sunny, 70 Degress

Place No. Name City State Age Div place Div total Sex Gun Time Pace
411929Jill PayneAudubonPA4023F30:219:46
421931Meghan Serratore28615F30:239:47
431858Andy Turton4244M30:419:53
441642Wendell SammonsPhiladelphiaPA36913M30:569:58
451643Ashley DunekMarltonNJ35613F31:1510:04
461861Kristin AsciuttoGlenoldenPA32713F31:1610:04
471658Michael KowalskiNorth WalesPA25910M31:1710:05
481860Precious BenallyBrooklynNY32813F31:4510:14
491657Dana KirbyPhiladelphiaPA25715F31:5110:15
501632Michelle SalvatorePhiladelphiaPA27815F32:0110:19
of 8

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