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Irving Turkey Trot

November 27, 2025 Irving, TX 75039 US Directions

Results for Running on E

Place: 4
Clock Time:

Member Results

Team Pos Place Score Name Bib Time Pace
1 35 35 Ulysses Medina 50087 21:44.5 7:00
2 55 55 Steven Williams 50094 22:47.2 7:20
3 72 72 Oscar Zamora 50100 23:29.1 7:34
4 89 89 Vicenzo Ramos 50082 24:06.1 7:45
5 129 129 Erick Carranza 50095 25:31.1 8:13
6 156 156 Azfar Siddiqui 50078 26:13.5 8:26
7 169 169 Jane Kim 50081 26:32.4 8:33
8 241 241 Luis Caceres 50086 28:00.6 9:01
9 268 268 Ares Medina 50091 28:39.1 9:13
10 278 278 Ade Sule 51202 28:46.6 9:16
11 322 322 Donald EWELUGO 51524 29:35.5 9:31
12 336 336 Salvador Medina 50090 29:53.5 9:37
13 372 372 Telma Toral 50088 30:24.9 9:47
14 497 497 Assumpta Ewelugo 51525 32:23.2 10:25
15 568 568 Yasmeen Alshara 50080 33:40.8 10:50
16 623 623 Karina Cedillo 50083 34:36.2 11:08
17 653 653 Vanity Sanchez 51201 35:06.7 11:18
18 789 789 Jesus Almazan 50098 37:57.4 12:13
19 925 925 Jessica Bacon 50085 41:37.0 13:24
20 937 937 Jose Luis Toral 50093 41:54.2 13:29
21 946 946 Rosaura Vega 50097 42:03.1 13:32
22 953 953 Brigido Salgado 50084 42:19.4 13:37
23 1,504 1,504 Maria Agreda 50092 1:03:06.9 20:19

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