Virtual Interstate Challenge - I-81 in Virginia

Middletown/Belle Grove Plantation
Unlocked on

Milestone for Easier Said Than Run

Unlocked on 10/23/2020!

Mile 302 - Middletown/Belle Grove Plantation
We're getting close! Exit 302. The estate of President James Madison’s sister Nelly and her husband, Isaac Hite, Belle Grove Plantation may not be as famous as Monticello, Mount Vernon, or Montpelier, but the plantation is no less stunning. This historic plantation was built in 1797 sits just north of Shenandoah National Park on 283 acres of the original 7500 acres of land that was used for growing crops, raising cattle, and operating a distillery along with several on-site mills. Take a tour of the Manor House and the surrounding outbuildings, then walk around the grounds to see the gardens designed by the Garden Club of Virginia, the apple orchard, and the slave cemetery.
Belle Grove Plantation

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