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Circumpolar Race Around the World (CRAW)

Your Adventure starts today!

Results for Not Fast Just Furious

Region 12 - Running - Team Results
Place: 40
Clock Time:
2,074.60 miles

Total Distance2,074.60 miles of 2,057.00 miles

Progress 100.86%
2,057.00 miles
Welcome to Region 12 - Lower 48
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Region 12 Completed
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Member Results

Team Place Place Name Gender Bib Clock Time Chip Time miles
1 182 Nathan Clifton Male NONE 333.02 miles
2 377 Jean-Luc Barthelemy Male NONE 262.27 miles
3 388 Sylvain Heklinger Male NONE 258.34 miles
4 424 Stephanie Leach Female NONE 250.35 miles
5 439 Cynthia Jalet Female NONE 247.05 miles
6 732 Fred Vonk Male NONE 193.71 miles
7 821 Clarissa Craig Female NONE 176.31 miles
8 990 Sam Loveless Male NONE 135.00 miles
9 1,023 Cathy Grow Female NONE 124.90 miles
10 1,130 Darcie Hum Female NONE 93.65 miles

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