Trophy Case for Let's Do It!
“When I ran with the kids I really burned it just to show them how fast I could go."
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"We will be rebels, we will stir up noise. People will know Terry Fox ran out of his way to Saint John for a reason!”
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“The first few miles were the usual torture. My foot was blistered bad, but my stump wasn’t too bad."
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Terry was welcomed to Ontario by a crowd of 200, a band playing and thousands of balloons, which read: WELCOME TERRY. YOU CAN DO IT.
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Terry collapsed in the van from exhaustion – his face was a brilliant red, his breath heavy, his eyes closed as if blocking out the light and the pain with a wrinkled $100 bill, damp from perspiration, clasped tightly in his hands.
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“I’ve been around athletes a long time and I’ve never seen any with his courage and stamina.”
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Terry reaches his halfway point, although for the next 400 miles the people living on the route call their own homes the halfway point.
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“Greg rode his bike behind me for about six miles and it has to be the most inspirational moment I have had!"
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