Haven for Hope
Haven for Hope’s mission is to offer a place of hope and new beginnings. We do this by providing, coordinating and delivering an efficient system of care for people experiencing homelessness in San Antonio. Far beyond just providing a safe place to sleep each night, Haven for Hope is a 22-acre “one-stop” campus with a comprehensive array of services in a central location. Services include: emergency shelter, residential housing, clinical services, case management, employment and financial sustainability, as well as specialty programs such as Jail Outreach, Veterans Programming and Street Outreach.
Haven for Hope’s services reach far beyond those of a standard homeless shelter. Providing food, clothing, and shelter is only a fraction of what can be done to help those experiencing homelessness. While these basic necessities play a large role in providing immediate relief, they are not long-term solutions. Therefore, in order to address the individual needs of people experiencing homelessness, Haven collaborates with over 70 partner organizations. Our goal is to provide individuals with the tools necessary to move towards self-sufficiency and independent living in permanent housing.
To register your donation drive with us, please complete the 2024 Corporate Cup Donation form and return it to the contact below.
For Charity Challenge points, we are accepting the following new items in all sizes for men, women and children:
• New men’s undershirts - 4 points
• New women’s underwear – 2 points
• New men’s boxers - 3 points
• New bras – 5 points
• Monetary donations: $1 = 1 point
*Donations must be counted and accompanied by a donation form when delivered to Haven for Hope.
*For questions or further assistance, contact a member of our Development Team at donate@havenforhope.org or 210-220-2187.
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