Train with Fleet Feet Knoxville for the The Big Run 5K! Whether you're just starting out, wanting to up your mileage, or looking to get faster, we're here to help you reach your goals! We offer a variety of run/walk programs for all levels, aimed to help you keep moving, stay motivated and have fun! Enjoy the accountability with your fellow run program team members and receive coaching and training tips along the way. We meet once a week starting the week of April 8.
- Workouts: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM starting the week of April 8
- Meeting Location: Most of the runs will be at the Cove at Concord Park (10901 South Northshore Drive Knoxville, TN 37922) where the race is held
- Target Race: The Big Run 5K on Wed, June 4
- Q&A Session: Thursday April 3 at 6:00pm. This open-to-all discussion will be followed by a Open Group Walk/Run at 6:30pm.
- Gear Up Week: Special discounts just for training program members the first week of training.
- Participants Receive: Detailed weekly training schedule, guidance and advice from experienced coaches, weekly group training runs, information sessions about proper running form, hydration, nutrition, etc., team technical t-shirt.
Beginner 5K
Challenge yourself to complete a 5K! The benefits of exercise are many, with the most important being: improved cardiovascular health, improved bone health, improved mood and better coordination. The program focuses on beginners, but all levels of walkers and runners are welcome. Along the way we’ll be providing you with motivation to keep you moving, guidance and advice, weekly group training runs or walks, and educational clinics on topics such as proper nutrition, choosing the right gear, and avoiding injury. Plus, you’ll have the camaraderie of others just like you. Sign up today to run your first 5K and commit to making a life change.
Advanced 5K
Improve your 5K time and fitness level with our Advanced 5k training program. This training program is designed to teach you more advanced running techniques and to help you continue on your running journey in a supportive environment. We want to help you beat your previous personal records and set new goals for yourself, all the while providing guidance, motivation, weekly group training runs, and more advanced educational clinics. We will cover topics designed to help you improve your 5K time such as proper pacing and good form, as well as building on previous topics like nutrition, choosing the right gear, and injury prevention. Before beginning the program, participants should be able to run 3 miles at a steady pace with limited walk breaks.
Training Program Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Training Program, click the button below.
Knoxville, TN US 37922
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