Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Super Sprint Triathlon
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Sprint Triathlon
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Olympic Triathlon
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Super Sprint Triathlon - Team Captain (create a team)
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Super Sprint Triathlon - Team Member (join a team)
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Sprint Triathlon - Team Captain (create a team)
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Sprint Triathlon - Team Member (join a team)
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Super Sprint Triathlon Athena / Clydedale Division
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Sprint Triathlon Athena / Clydedale Division
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Olympic Triathlon Athena / Clydedale Division
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Super Sprint AquaBike
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Sprint AquaBike
Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Olympic AquaBike
South of the intersection of Farm Rd. and Walnut Grove Rd
Millington, TN US 38053
Main Race page:
The Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Triathlon & AquaBike will be held at Meeman Shelby Forest on Saturday April 26, 2025 starting at 7:00am.
We are super excited about the new venue and the introduction of the Olympic distance events for 2025. With is early season date, this event should make for a great way to kick off your triathlon season.
Triathletes will receive a custom Tee, finishers medal, hamburger and hot dog lunch including water melon, chocolate milk and ice cream from Prairie Farms, and beer by Hookpoint Brewing.
Event participants will receive a chance to win a Giant bike and bike gear, compliments of sponsor Bikes Plus. Participants must be present to win.
The transition area will be located on the grassy area near the Nature Center at Poplar Tree Lake.
Packet Pickup
Thursday April 24, 2025 -3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Packet Pickup and Registration Located at Bikes Plus 7124 Stage Road #115, Bartlett, TN 38133
Friday, April 25, 2025 - 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Packet Pickup and Registration Located at Race Site
Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 5:45 a.m. – 6:55 a.m. Packet Pickup and Registration Located at Race Site
Body Marking: athletes will self body mark their own number with black permanent marker. Your race number right and left outer shoulder, right and left outer thigh, age or R for rely on left calf.
Chip Pickup: Race Morning by transition area. Bring your bib to pick up your chip.
Important Information
Your Photo ID is required to get your packet (unless you are a minor then your guardian will need to present identification) No one else can get your packet, not even relay team members. You can get your stuff but not all of your team's stuff.
Weather: we will race if it is sunny, cloudy, or rainy but we will delay for lightning. No cancellations nor refunds.
Water will be available at each mile of the run course and finish line.
We are still looking for a few good volunteers. If you have a family member or friend who would like to join us have them contact us. Volunteers are invited to join in the post-race food, & beverages
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Finishers Medal
Triathletes receive custom tee shirt, custom finisher medals, post race food and beverages to go.
Custom Awards.
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Race Participant Survey
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