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Wild-Man Trail Run

Sat April 16, 2016 Atlanta, TX 75551 US Directions


10k Trail Run

9:00AM CDT - 1:00PM CDT

1/2 Marathon Trail Run

9:00AM CDT - 1:00PM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


101 Sportsplex dr
Atlanta, TX US 75551


10k  and 1/2 Marathon Trail Run

Overall Male and Female Awards

Divisions are 25 and under, 26-49, and 50+

10k - $20 early registration through 4/3, $30 Regular through 4/13, and $40 day of

1/2 marathon - $30 early regisitration though 4/3, $40 through 4/13, and $50 day of.


There will be two aid stations on the course. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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