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Sat March 29, 2025 Houston, TX 77020 US Directions


3'ish Mile Run/Walk

8:00AM CDT - 2:00PM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2000 Lyons Avenue
Houston, TX US 77020


This is gonna be fun! Join us at Saint Arnold Brewing Company for our final social run/walk before the Art Car IPA 5K! Last chance to train with our crew before the big day, as well as a great opportunity to pick up your race packet! 


Just like our events with the Houston Flying Saucer the cost is $35 and you will get 3'ish miles lead by our fabulous Beer Pacers, three frosty brews, a pint glass and a Texas Tamale Company breakfast! Plus after the run/walk you can grab your race packet for next week too!


Here is the complete schedule:

8:00a Doors open
9:00a We run/walk
9:30a We drink and eat
10:00a Packet pick up opens
2:00p Packet pick up closes and event ends


All of our social run/walks are rain or shine! If weather prevents us from running, we will still eat and drink beer, glorious Saint Arnold beer!

Race Contact Info

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