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Darling Dash Memorial 10k/5k/1k

Sun February 23, 2025 Houston, TX 77007 US Directions



8:00AM CST


8:00AM CST


8:00AM CST


1031 Stude Street
Houston, TX US 77007


The Darling Dash is an annual 10K/5K/1K race that funds As One Foundation programming. Since 2011, this memorial race has honored the memory of Sickle Cell Trait Warrior, Devaughn Darling, who died of sickle cell trait exertion. The 14th Annual Darling Dash will be held 8am, Sunday, February 25, 2023, at Stude Park in Houston, Texas. This family event welcomes all runners/walkers and their supporters in the Houston area as well as virtual supporters nationwide and beyond. Proceeds from the Darling Dash fund sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait education and awareness programs to help further the mission of the As One Foundation to empower families globally, delivering life-saving sickle cell education

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