Vidor, TX US 77662
2024 Free Jingle Bell 5K/Kids K
FREE and open to the Public 5K Run/Walk!
- WAIVER MUST BE SIGNED via pre-registration signup, for EACH participant who will be on course, no matter the age.
*spectators do not need to sign a waiver* - 8:05 Kids K announcements
- 8:08 Kids K warmup
- 8:15am Kids K mass start
- 8:30am 5K mass start.
- Arrive early to pick up your wristbands, and visit the Sponsor tables!
- No event shirts, timing, finisher medals or race bibs for coming to SRS free events
- All registrants will receive a wristband and must wear it for the duration of the event, while you are at race site.
- This location is not shut down for our event. Be cautious and alert for motorists, and other runners/walkers/bicyclists not involved in our event.
- Wear proper shoes and sun protection
- Adequate water stops on course!
- No pets at our events - service animals welcome.
- EMS/trained individuals will be on standby at all SRS events. Let us know ASAP if you are not feeling well, or need basic 1st aid.
- Follow the direction of any SRS volunteer
- Keep up with the latest information on the Facebook Event. This is where all updates regarding the event, are posted. - Strollers are highly discouraged, as it is extra liability, per RRCA guidelines for safe running. If you choose to use a stroller, please indicate that on your registration, so we can be sure you complete the separate Stroller Waiver: - Kids on foot or in stroller only. NO BIKES, SKATES, SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS OR ANY OTHER TOY ROLLING DEVICES on SRS course.
- Be sure you receive the email confirmation from signing up. You should receive an automatic email within 5 minutes.
- Keep to the RIGHT side of the course, unless you are passing someone
- The use of headphones/earphones is unsafe, and Sea Rim Striders actively discourages their use. Runners need to stay alert at all times, especially on courses that are not closed down to the public.
- Send any photos you take at this event, if you'd like us to include them in the final SRS pictures postings for the event! - Plug in the SRS emergency number, so you can contact us ASAP in the case of an emergency on-course: 409-781-8994
- Please thank volunteers when you see them, as they work alongside our All-Volunteer Board Members to make these events run smoothly.
- Stop by our Sponsor tables and say hi and thank them for being a part of this great fun FREE event for the community!
Take extra care to get, and stay hydrated PRIOR to race day.
Wear proper weather protection: running shoes, hat/visor, sunblock, sunglasses, etc...
Be a courteous and friendly Runner!
We are looking for Water Stop Volunteers for our events! Please let us know if you or your group/organization can help: