Texarkana, TX US 75501
Thank you for signing up for the first Texarkana Cares Virtual 5K! "Race Day" will officially be March 27th, but since the event is virtual, you can get registered and submit your results anytime from February through the end of March!
All the proceeds from this event will benefit the Texas A&M University Texarkana Eagle Pantry. The Eagle Pantry feeds student success by providing essential non-perishable and personal hygiene items to students in need and is available to any student.
Registration is $20.00 per adult, and there is a separate registration for students (both TAMUT, local colleges, and K-12) that is $10.00 per registrant. You can walk, jog, run, bike, hike, or swim - anything counts!
Feel free to email pictures of your training or event by sending them to! Your pictures will be added to the race page for all participants to see!
Since this event is virtual and timing is honor-system based, there will not be prizes for the fastest participant. We have received some very generous donations that anyone who participates or donates will be eligible to win following the end of registration. These include (1) $50.00 Heat It Up gift card, (1) one month pass to Thrive Yoga, (2) $20 Gusano's gift cards, and (2) Dinner for 2 vouchers from TaMolly's.